Class GSearchInstaller

  extended by org.greenstone.fedora.installer.GSearchInstaller

public class GSearchInstaller
extends java.lang.Object

This class essentially follows the instructions at in order to install Fedora Generic Search from their optimised fedoragsearch.war file. (I've also tested it on the original war file fedoragsearch.war available from and it works.) It then does a few minor extra things in order to make Fedora Generic Search work specifically with a Fedora repository of Greenstone documents.


Nested Class Summary
(package private) static class GSearchInstaller.IgnoreDTDEntityResolver
          This EntityResolver allows the XML parser to ignore validating against the DTD specified in the XML since it is pointing to the wrong location.
Field Summary
 java.lang.String CATALINA_HOME
protected static java.util.Properties defaults
          Default initialisation/customisation values.
 java.lang.String FEDORA_HOME
static java.lang.String FEDORAGSEARCH
 java.lang.String fedoraPassword
 java.lang.String fedoraUsername
protected  java.util.Properties gSearchProperties
          Reads from file which contains default directory paths (using variables like FEDORA_HOME and CATALINA_HOME) and HOST and PORT, and sets these to custom values.
 java.lang.String gsearchWarFileName
 java.lang.String host
 java.lang.String indexName
 java.lang.String port
protected static java.lang.String PROP_FILE
protected static java.lang.String PROP_HOST
protected static java.lang.String PROP_INDEX
protected static java.lang.String PROP_PASSW
protected static java.lang.String PROP_PORT
protected static java.lang.String PROP_REPOS
protected static java.lang.String PROP_UNAME
 java.lang.String repositoryName
 java.lang.String scriptExtension
static java.lang.String TOMCAT
Constructor Summary
          GSearchInstaller constructor sets all custom values to defaults
GSearchInstaller(java.util.Properties options)
          GSearchInstaller constructor sets the custom values
Method Summary
protected  void copyPropFile(java.util.Properties properties, java.lang.String propFileName, outputPath)
          Stores the given properties in the file outputPath/propFileName.
protected  void copyTemplateFile(java.lang.String src, dest, boolean replace)
          Copies internal template src file (in executable jar) to dest file.
protected  void createLuceneIndexDir()
          Creates the Lucene index directory in the right location inside FEDORA_HOME into which FedoraGSearch will store the indexes for the Greenstone contents in the Fedora repository.
protected  void customiseFedoraConfigFile()
          Makes changes to the fedora.fcfg file located inside FEDORA_HOME.
protected  java.util.Properties customiseProperties(java.lang.String propFileName, boolean display)
          Loads properties from the property file denoted by propFileName and replaces all place-holders (such as FEDORA_HOME, CATALINA_HOME, HOST, PORT) with the custom values specified for this installation.
static java.lang.String elementToFormattedString(org.w3c.dom.Element e, java.lang.String dtd_SystemId)
          Given an Element, this will return its String representation properly indented for display.
protected static java.lang.String getSafeValue(javax.swing.JTextField field, java.lang.String property)
          This method returns the value of the textfield for the given GSearchInstaller initialiser property, if this is not the empty string.
static java.lang.String getValue(org.w3c.dom.Element e)
          Extract the text from an element, if any.
 void indexGreenstoneContents(boolean emptyFirst)
          Indexes the contents of the repository(name) specified during Fedora Generic Search installation.
static java.lang.String info()
 void install()
static void main(java.lang.String[] args)
          The main method creates a GSearchInstaller to install Fedora Generic Search from a (Muradora) fedoragsearch.war file.
protected  void moveUnpackWarFile( gsearchWarFile)
          Moves the (fedoragsearch.war) war file from the given location into FEDORA_HOME's tomcat folder (i.e.
static java.util.Properties parseInstallationArgs(java.lang.String[] args)
          Called to process multiple command line arguments where these arguments are GSearchInstaller constructor options followed by their values.
protected  org.w3c.dom.Document readXML(java.lang.Object xmlSource, java.lang.String dtd_SystemId, java.lang.String sourceFileName)
          Reads from an xmlFile.
protected  boolean replaceDir(java.lang.String outputPath, java.lang.String src, java.lang.String dest)
          Method that renames folder src in outputPath to dest.
protected  boolean replaceElementWithAttrValue(org.w3c.dom.Document doc, java.lang.String tagName, java.lang.String attrName, java.lang.String attrValueContent, java.lang.String replacementContent, boolean onceOnly, boolean wholeItem)
          Given a DOM document, finds the first element where nodeName=tagName where one of the attributes has the name attrName and whose value contains attrValueContent.
protected  boolean replaceElementWithValue(org.w3c.dom.Document doc, java.lang.String tagName, java.lang.String contentValue, java.lang.String replacement, boolean onceOnly, boolean wholeItem)
          Given a DOM document, finds the first element where nodeName=tagName and where the element's inner text contains the string contentValue.
protected  int runProcess(java.lang.String[] args, boolean ignoreWindows)
          Method that will run the process associated with the gSearchProperties key.
static java.util.Properties showInputDialog()
          Displays a dialog to get user input for - fedora server host, port, username and password, - the names for the fedora generic search index and repository that are to be created, and - for the location of fedoragenericsearch.war (the installer is meant to work specifically with Muradora's fedoragenericsearch.war since they have edited various property and xml files to make it all easier).
static java.lang.String usage()
          If the program is run from the command line and the user executed it with -help or help, then this usage String is displayed.
 void waitForFedoraServer()
          Waits for the fedora server to be ready after a server start.
 void waitForServerToStop()
          Waits for the fedora server to stop
protected  void writeXML(org.w3c.dom.Document doc, xmlFile, java.lang.String dtdToAddBackIn)
          Writes out a DOM structure to a file.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final java.lang.String FEDORAGSEARCH
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String TOMCAT
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public final java.lang.String FEDORA_HOME


public final java.lang.String CATALINA_HOME


public final java.lang.String scriptExtension


protected java.util.Properties gSearchProperties
Reads from file which contains default directory paths (using variables like FEDORA_HOME and CATALINA_HOME) and HOST and PORT, and sets these to custom values. Some of the keys in the properties file include executable processes (such as for starting and stopping tomcat).


public final java.lang.String indexName


public final java.lang.String repositoryName


public final java.lang.String host


public final java.lang.String port


public final java.lang.String fedoraUsername


public final java.lang.String fedoraPassword


public final java.lang.String gsearchWarFileName


protected static java.lang.String PROP_REPOS


protected static java.lang.String PROP_INDEX


protected static java.lang.String PROP_UNAME


protected static java.lang.String PROP_PASSW


protected static java.lang.String PROP_HOST


protected static java.lang.String PROP_PORT


protected static java.lang.String PROP_FILE


protected static final java.util.Properties defaults
Default initialisation/customisation values. In case the Installer was not provided all parameters, these are used as fallback values

Constructor Detail


public GSearchInstaller()
                 throws java.lang.Exception
GSearchInstaller constructor sets all custom values to defaults



public GSearchInstaller(java.util.Properties options)
                 throws java.lang.Exception
GSearchInstaller constructor sets the custom values

Method Detail


public void install()
             throws java.lang.Exception


public void indexGreenstoneContents(boolean emptyFirst)
                             throws java.lang.Exception
Indexes the contents of the repository(name) specified during Fedora Generic Search installation. To do so, it runs the FedoraGenericSearch's with "host:port updateIndex fromFoxmlFiles".

emptyFirst - means the index will be created from scratch by first executing with the arguments "host:port updateIndex createEmpty" before updating from FOXML files.


protected int runProcess(java.lang.String[] args,
                         boolean ignoreWindows)
                  throws java.lang.Exception
Method that will run the process associated with the gSearchProperties key. Waits until the process is executed.

args - signify the executable process and its arguments. The first element must be the key into gSearchProperties whose value denotes the executable process that is to be run. Subsequent elements are the actual arguments to that process.
ignoreWindows - if true will not plug the cmd /c start "" at the start of the arguments. If false, and only of the OS is windows, then these additional arguments get prepended to those already in the args array.


protected java.util.Properties customiseProperties(java.lang.String propFileName,
                                                   boolean display)
                                            throws java.lang.Exception
Loads properties from the property file denoted by propFileName and replaces all place-holders (such as FEDORA_HOME, CATALINA_HOME, HOST, PORT) with the custom values specified for this installation. These customised properties are returned in the Properties map. Never overwrite the property file given by propFileName! They are defaults, meant to be customised elsewhere.

propFileName - is the name of the template properties file to be opened and read from. (Keep it read-only!)
display - - if true, then prints the contents of the properties if false, does not.
the properties in the template properties file customised with the values provided during installation.


public void waitForServerToStop()
                         throws java.lang.Exception
Waits for the fedora server to stop



public void waitForFedoraServer()
                         throws java.lang.Exception
Waits for the fedora server to be ready after a server start.



protected boolean replaceDir(java.lang.String outputPath,
                             java.lang.String src,
                             java.lang.String dest)
Method that renames folder src in outputPath to dest.

outputPath - is the directory in which src resides.
src - is the name of the folder in outputPath that is to be renamed.
dest - is what src is to be renamed to.


protected void copyPropFile(java.util.Properties properties,
                            java.lang.String propFileName,
                     throws java.lang.Exception
Stores the given properties in the file outputPath/propFileName.

properties - is the Properties map to be written out to a file.
propFileName - is the name of the output properties file.
outputPath - is the directory into which the properties file is to be written.


protected void copyTemplateFile(java.lang.String src,
                                boolean replace)
Copies internal template src file (in executable jar) to dest file. If replace is true, then if the dest file exists, it will be overwritten. From

src - is the internal file (internal to the jar) to be copied its inputStream is obtained and copied.
dest - is the file into which the contents of src are to be copied
replace - indicates whether dest is to be replaced if it already exists. If replace is true, then any existing dest is replaced with the copied output file of the same name. If false, the copy operation does not take place
Throws: - if the copying failed.


protected org.w3c.dom.Document readXML(java.lang.Object xmlSource,
                                       java.lang.String dtd_SystemId,
                                       java.lang.String sourceFileName)
                                throws java.lang.Exception
Reads from an xmlFile. If dtd_SystemId is not an empty String, then the XMLFile is not validated against the doctype statement it contains (the dtd_SystemId entity in the xmlFile is ignored) so that parsing still succeeds. However, if the DOM Structure returned by this method is written back out to a file, then make sure that this doctype is added back into the output file.

xmlSource - is either an xmlFile or xml InputStream (of a jarred file, for example) to be read into a DOM structure.
dtd_SystemId - - if specified, validation against the given DTD is ignored. The DOM structure returned will not contain the DOCTYPE entity with the given dtd file reference. If writing the DOM out to a file later on, then it is advised that this DOC_TYPE is added back in. If there is no dtd to be validated or whose validation is to be ignored, pass the empty string for dtd_SystemId.
sourceFileName - is the name of the (possibly internal) file that is to be read.
java.lang.Exception - if an error occurred during parsing.


protected void writeXML(org.w3c.dom.Document doc,
                        java.lang.String dtdToAddBackIn)
                 throws java.lang.Exception
Writes out a DOM structure to a file.

doc - is the DOM to be written out to a file
xmlFile - is the file to write the XML out to
dtdToAddBackIn - is "" if there's no special DTD to add back into the DOCTYPE. If not "", it specifies the dtd file to be added in the DOCTYPE of the XML output file.


protected boolean replaceElementWithAttrValue(org.w3c.dom.Document doc,
                                              java.lang.String tagName,
                                              java.lang.String attrName,
                                              java.lang.String attrValueContent,
                                              java.lang.String replacementContent,
                                              boolean onceOnly,
                                              boolean wholeItem)
Given a DOM document, finds the first element where nodeName=tagName where one of the attributes has the name attrName and whose value contains attrValueContent. The portion of the attribute value that matches is then replaced by replacementContent. If onceOnly is true, the first replacement is made and the method returns. If false, all matching replacements are made.

doc - is the DOM Document object in which to search for the element to be replaced
tagName - is the name of the element to search for
attrName - is the name of the attribute of the element to search for
attrValueContent - is the portion of the attribute value that will be replaced by replacementContent.
replacementContent - is the replacement string that will overwrite the part of the attrName attribute's value that matched attrValueContent
onceOnly - - if true will look for the first match and perform the replacement once. If false, it will replace all matches found.
wholeItem - - if true, the entire string containing attrValueContent will be replaced by the string replacementContent. If false, only the attrValueContent portion of the original string will be replaced.
true if any replacements have been made.


protected boolean replaceElementWithValue(org.w3c.dom.Document doc,
                                          java.lang.String tagName,
                                          java.lang.String contentValue,
                                          java.lang.String replacement,
                                          boolean onceOnly,
                                          boolean wholeItem)
Given a DOM document, finds the first element where nodeName=tagName and where the element's inner text contains the string contentValue. Once found, the entire textnode contents of the matching element is then replaced with the replacement string.

doc - is the DOM Document object in which to search for the element to be replaced
tagName - is the name of the element to search for
contentValue - is the portion of the textual content of the element that should match for the replacement to happen
replacement - is value that will overwrite the matching portion of the element's textual content (it will overwrite contentValue).
onceOnly - - if true will look for the first match and perform the replacement once. If false, it will replace all matches found.
wholeItem - - if true, the entire string containing attrValueContent will be replaced by the string replacementContent. If false, only the attrValueContent portion of the original string will be replaced.
true if any replacements have been made.


public static java.lang.String getValue(org.w3c.dom.Element e)
Extract the text from an element, if any.

e - is the element whose value is to be extracted.
the text that's nested in an element's body or "" if there's none.


public static java.lang.String elementToFormattedString(org.w3c.dom.Element e,
                                                        java.lang.String dtd_SystemId)
                                                 throws java.lang.Exception
Given an Element, this will return its String representation properly indented for display. (The XML declaration will be added at the top since this method will be used here to write proper XML out to a file.)

e - is the element to be converted to its string representation.
dtd_SystemId - (if not "") is any DOCTYPE with systemId that needs to be added back into the file. If "", then no new DOCTYPE entity is added into the DOM structure represented by Element e.
a string representation of e, formatted for display.


protected void moveUnpackWarFile( gsearchWarFile)
                          throws java.lang.Exception
Moves the (fedoragsearch.war) war file from the given location into FEDORA_HOME's tomcat folder (i.e. into CATALINA_HOME) and unpacks it there. Unpacking is achieved by starting the fedora server after the move. If a fedoragsearch is already unpacked in CATALINA_HOME, this method will not move the given fedoragsearch.war file. This method does more than merely move fedoragsearch.war: regardless of whether the war file exists and is moved or not, the fedora server is first stopped and at the end it is started.

gsearchWarFile - the fedoragsearch.war file to be moved and unpacked.
java.lang.Exception - if an unpacked fedoragsearch does not exist in the CATALINA_HOME/webapps folder at the end.


protected void customiseFedoraConfigFile()
                                  throws java.lang.Exception
Makes changes to the fedora.fcfg file located inside FEDORA_HOME. It changes the to the GSearchDOManager and sets the gSearchRESTURL to the specific fedora host and port values specified for installation. This method also checks that "greenstone" is in the list of PIDs that Fedora recognises. If it's not in the list already, it is added in there.



protected void createLuceneIndexDir()
                             throws java.lang.Exception
Creates the Lucene index directory in the right location inside FEDORA_HOME into which FedoraGSearch will store the indexes for the Greenstone contents in the Fedora repository. If it already exists, the Lucene index directory is not created.

java.lang.Exception - if the Lucene index directory cannot be created in the appropriate location inside FEDORA_HOME


public static java.util.Properties showInputDialog()
Displays a dialog to get user input for - fedora server host, port, username and password, - the names for the fedora generic search index and repository that are to be created, and - for the location of fedoragenericsearch.war (the installer is meant to work specifically with Muradora's fedoragenericsearch.war since they have edited various property and xml files to make it all easier). The dialog displays the default values to the user.

a Properties map containing the values entered by the user for the various initialisation parameters required by the Fedora Generic Search Installer GSearchInstaller.


protected static java.lang.String getSafeValue(javax.swing.JTextField field,
                                               java.lang.String property)
This method returns the value of the textfield for the given GSearchInstaller initialiser property, if this is not the empty string. If it is the empty string, the default value for this property is returned.

field - is the TextField whose value is being extracted
property - is the GSearchInstaller property that the TextField value maps to.
the contents of the textfield for the property or the defaults value for the property if the textfield contained "".


public static java.lang.String info()
a string specifying the requirements of this program.


public static java.lang.String usage()
If the program is run from the command line and the user executed it with -help or help, then this usage String is displayed.

String describing how to use this program when running it from the command line.


public static java.util.Properties parseInstallationArgs(java.lang.String[] args)
Called to process multiple command line arguments where these arguments are GSearchInstaller constructor options followed by their values.

args - are the command-line arguments received by main which consist of one or more multiple "-option value" pairs.
a Properties map containing (option, value) pairs that will be used by GSearchInstaller to install Muradora's Fedora Generic Search. Empty strings for recognised options are replaced by defaults.


public static void main(java.lang.String[] args)
The main method creates a GSearchInstaller to install Fedora Generic Search from a (Muradora) fedoragsearch.war file. The program can be run in one of two ways: - with no arguments: a dialog is displayed requesting inputs for the parameters used by the GSearchInstaller initialisation. - with arguments for command-line invocation. (Run with -help or help to find out what parameter options are there.)