Welcome to the Pei Te Hurinui Jones website. This site is dedicated to the collected works, manuscripts, taonga and kākahu of the late Dr Pei Te Hurinui Jones.
Pei was a noted Māori scholar, a respected leader in the revival and retention of the Māori language, cultural knowledge and heritage in the 20th century.... more >
The Pei Jones Digital Library and its related resources have been developed for the benefit of whānau, hapū, iwi, researchers and students... more >
Pei was a prolific writer in Māori and English. His works include the Ngā Mōteatea series, King Pōtatau, Mahinarangi, Puhiwahine... more >
The Pei Jones Gallery provides a snapshot to the Pei Te Hurinui Jones’ life. It includes a small collection of personal photographs, sporting photographs, Pei’s artwork, images of the taonga and kākahu collection … more >
Over the years, Pei te Hurinui amassed and was gifted a significant collection of taonga and kākahu. including whakapapa scrolls and books, huia feathers, pendants, watches, medals, weapons and an kākahu … more >
You will find here information about the Pei te Hurinui Jones Research Project, the research team, publications, relevant links and feedback and contact information. … more >