Over the years, Pei Te Hurinui amassed and was gifted a significant collection of taonga and kākahu including whakapapa scrolls and books, huia feathers, pendants, watches, medals, weapons and an kākahu (i.e., kākahu huruhuru, pihepihe, karure and korowai). These taonga are located in Mahi Māreikura on level 4 of the University of Waikato Library. To house the collection of taonga, two lockable four-drawer moisture-cured polyurethane pine units (measuring approximately 430mm high, 1700mm wide and 1500 deep) were purchased. The taonga in the collection are organised according to whakapapa, relevant kōrero and use. The organisation of these taonga depends upon the interpretation of relevant Māori philosophical values, tikanga and the kōrero associated with each object.